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Tips for Raising Your Kitten

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Bringing a kitten into your home is a delightful experience, and with the right care and training, your new addition will grow to become a healthy, happy adult.

Kittens do have different needs to adult cats, so it's important to understand how to care for them correctly. Here are a few tips for raising your kitten.

Feeding and Water

Weaning usually takes place before your kitten is eight weeks of age. After that, your pet needs to eat a diet that is specifically formulated for kittens. Because kittens are growing, they need food that is energy dense, highly digestible and protein rich. It doesn’t matter whether you feed your kitten dry or wet food, just make sure it’s designed specifically for kittens, not adult cats.

Have a bowl of water and a bowl of food handy. A good quality kitten food, wet or dry, is formulated to provide all the nutrition needed for healthy development. Cats and kittens like to graze rather than eat big meals so have dry food and water available through the day.


Setting boundaries on your kitten’s behaviour early in life is much easier than trying to get them to change bad habits when they are an adult. The early months will dictate the way your kitten interacts with people and other cats, so plenty of exposure and gentle guidance is important.

While your kitten is so small, your instinct may be to protect them, but this can lead to an anxious, timid adult. Make sure your kitten is exposed to loud noises and different people, especially children and visitors to your home. Ensure they have plenty of opportunities to explore and play.

Your kitten will instinctively want to scratch on things so make sure you provide a scratching post or other alternative to save your furniture and carpets. Praise your pet for using the scratching post. Avoid reprimanding your kitten if they behave badly – just ignore them.

Now is a good time to play with your cat and teach them not to bite or scratch. Gently redirect biting and scratching behaviour to your kitten’s toys rather than letting them bite you in play. It might be cute while they are little, but those teeth and claws will get sharper and could give someone a nasty injury in the future.

Organise bedding and litter trays

At least for the first few days, put a cat basket or a box lined with soft material in a quiet corner so your new kitten has a place to retreat to. Don’t be too disappointed if it chooses to ignore the designated bed and sleep on the sofa or carpet.

You’ll also need a litter tray with a supply of good quality litter. Depending on its age, your kitten may already be toilet trained. If not, it’s up to you to play mother cat and teach it to use the litter tray. Put your kitten in the tray after every sleep and every meal and last thing at night. It will soon get the idea.

Bear in mind that cats are very fastidious animals. You’ll need a scoop to remove wet and soiled litter or your kitten will avoid the tray!

Toilet training your kitten

When it comes to toilet training, most kittens will naturally use their litter box, but placing your cat in there after eating and playing can help reinforce the message. Always make sure the litter is clean and the tray is easily accessible for your kitten. Cats can also be fussy about their litter. If your kitten doesn't like using the tray, you might need to try a different type of litter or move the tray into a quieter, more private area.

Health and Vet visits

A visit to your vet is a priority, first for a general health check-up and second, to have your kitten vaccinated and wormed. If you’ve got your kitten from an animal shelter or pet shop, they will generally have received their first temporary vaccination at eight weeks.

Now is the best time to start protecting your kitten from potential future health issues with an early vet visit. You’ll want to get your kitten checked over for parasites, fleas and worms, and take preventive measures to keep these unwanted invaders at a distance, such as these various treatments. 

Vaccinating your kitten will protect them from a number of serious illnesses including feline calicivirus and feline leukaemia. The first vaccines are usually given around six weeks of age (ideally before your kitten is exposed to other cats) with regular boosters for the next few weeks. After 16 weeks of age your kitten can go on an adult vaccination schedule.

An early vet visit will also get your pet used to the carrier and the whole experience. While you’re there, get your vet to check that your kitten is microchipped and ask about de-sexing, which should occur before your kitten is six months.

You should also check your local council laws on cats. Most now require cats to be registered and many impose a night-time curfew.

Indoors or outdoors?

Early on you have to decide whether your kitten is going to be confined to the home or let out to roam. If it’s the latter, consider installing a cat flap, especially if no one is home during the day.

More and more people are opting to keep their cat indoors, to protect native birds and small mammals and to keep their cats safe. That means you’ll have to provide the stimulation your cats would otherwise find themselves. A variety of cat toys, balls and mobiles will entertain and stimulate your kitten.

A scratching post is a necessity for indoor kittens and cats, enabling them to stretch and climb, two of their favourite pursuits. Watch your kitten embed its claws into the post and stretch luxuriously, muscle by muscle. Two or three scratching posts are even better. They will pay for themselves by keeping your pet contented, as well as saving your furniture, curtains and floors.

Meeting the family

If you have other pets, they will be curious – or even agitated – about the new arrival. An older cat may hiss, a dog may bark. When you feel it’s time for the introductions, do it one pet at a time. If your dog or cat shows aggression towards the kitten, reprimand it in a firm voice. When the aggressive behaviour stops, reward your pet. It will soon get the message.

It’s natural to worry about the safety of the kitten with a dog. Rest assured that the kitten will almost certainly end up top dog of the household!

Finally, make sure you play with your kitten often and get plenty of toys to keep them well stimulated. Use a lot of love and affection to teach your kitten that the world is a good place, and your baby cat will grow into a loving and affectionate adult!